Inspiring Lifestyle Innovation
Inspiring Lifestyle Innovation
In Japan and all of Asia today, it is apparent that the demands for an evolution in practice of medicine is critical. The medical environment of the 21st century is rapidly changing and the healthcare demands have never been so complex and diversified. Healthcare practitioners are constantly searching for clues and answers that better address their patient’s needs.
To revolutionize medicine and endeavor change in healthcare, we promote awareness of the necessity of shifting from the traditional disease-centered focus on medical practice to a more patient-centered approach by tailoring and 'personalizing' medicine.
Our mission is to provide and facilitate "a science based systematic, practical and theoretical therapeutic approaches and protocols", "most updated research and clinical information", "state of the art nutraceutical products", "seminars and lectures to cultivate and foster human resources in the field of healthcare" "multifaceted and continuing care and support" to healthcare practitioners visioning to revolutionize and innovate healthcare.
We aim on becoming a people-company that develops integral businesses based on social contribution and anything that builds, nurtures and supports fundamental health and happiness through inspiring innovation in the way healthcare practitioner do medicine, and the medicine they do.
-formulator, research, product development, QC/QA, public speaker
5-32-5-901 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 JAPAN